Author Topic: Non Verified Account Codes  (Read 3798 times)

Offline Hershel

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Non Verified Account Codes
« on: February 25, 2013, 07:42:13 PM »
I am trying to setup forced account codes for a law firm on a Mitel 5000 so that whenever a user dials long distance they are forced to enter an account code.  Because of the large number of account codes used by the firm we will NOT be validating  the codes.  Complicating things is that the system was programmed by a tech who no longer works with us and tended to do his own thing a lot of the time, hence why he no longer works for us.

I add an extension to
  Forced>>Non-Validated>>Long Distance  Toll Calls

BUT when I make a long distance call it doesn't force me to use an account code.

If i move the same extension to
  Force>>Non-Vaildated>>All Calls

It forces me to enter an account code.

This lead me to think the issue is not with the account code setup but with how the system defines toll calls; however I might be completely off base with this.

Additional info... they use 10 digit local dialing

Any suggests would be greatly appreciated.

Offline NTEDave

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Re: Non Verified Account Codes
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 07:48:32 AM »
I've never had to do this before so it's a bit of a guess but if you look in System / Number Plan / Toll Strings

If I look at T I have 01 and 0 in there so i'm assuming if I dialled a number that started 0xxxxx it would be classed as a Toll National call and would require an account code.

Maybe your Long distance toll calls leading digit doesn't match whats in this table so that's why it's not requiring an account code?

Offline Mikey0

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Re: Non Verified Account Codes
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 06:15:51 PM »
I'd like to try to help with this, I have a setup similar what you're trying to accomplish.

First: At the station itself (System >> Devices and Feature Codes >> Phones >> Node you're configuring >> Extension) it should be set to account code type: Forced - Long Distance Toll Calls
Second: Place your extensions in the Forced >>Non-Validated>>Long Distance Toll Calls list just as you had before.
Third: NTEDave was on the right track, my system has some additional configuration that comes into play.
Route Groups: I have a route group for Long Distance toll calls, This group looks for specific long distance dialing patterns, the most notable pattern being: [Q]TNXXXXXXX+. If the system sees  this pattern it routes to call to use trunks in a designated Facility group.
Facility group: The dial rules in the facility group are set to ECHO the toll field, ECHO 3 digits after the toll field, and ECHO Local Address. The call is sent out starting at my highest numbered Trunk Group.

of course any extension making outbound calls in this fashion will need to use the ARS feature code as the outgoing extension under associated extensions for any station in order for my set up to work... Just my 2 cents, I hope this helps!

Offline Hershel

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Re: Non Verified Account Codes
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 05:59:28 PM »
Ok I am making progress but have hit a snag. 

The way I understand thing the 5000 uses the HOME AREA CODES to determine if calls are within the local area.  This is an issue because our area has area code overlay meaning all local calls require 10 digits and some long distance calls use the same area code as some local calls.

Here are two examples:
A) Example of a local call 3065551234
B) Example of a long distance call using the same area code 13066661234

How do I get the 5000 to see the 10 digit 306 number as local BUT the 11 digit 1306 number as being long distance?



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