We have two phones (ok, well, 500+, but I'll keep this example cleaner), all on the same controller (MCD on MSL).
Phone #1 has the primary extention on both buttom buttons (of a 5330 phone), prime, and a multicall appearence of it's own number. Phone #2 has a DSS button setup to answer calls to phone #1.
Sometimes the DSS button works, and the call can be answered by pussing the DSS button as normal.
Other times, a call will come into phone #1, and when phone #2 hits the DSS key, it tries calling the number, rather than answering the call.
It seems almost random weather it'll answer, or try calling the number, even though that number is ringing, and the DSS light is lit. I'm suspecting its due to the multicall feature, but I'm not sure.
We're running 5.0SP2
Any thoughts/suggestions?