3300 release level 5.0
This issue has been intermittent for some time now and has been escalated to Mitel but I'm getting nowhere. This one particular site that has a PRI along with our call center has the following issue. This has never happened during the day only at night when the system is in night mode if you call the main number you will get a busy signal and the only way to fix this is go into the controller run a busy xnet all cmd then rts xnet all cmd. We've had the phone provider run multiple test on their equipment and come out on site to check physical connections all is good. I've gone through multiple steps with our phone vendor including just replacing the pbx with no luck. The thought was our network was getting full at some point but we have a 50 MB pipe and we've run wireshark on top of all our other network monitoring tools and found nothing out of the ordinary. The following error is what I always receive on this PBX it's not always the same message. Has anyone ever come across this before or have any other ideas? thanks for any input.
TRAFFIC CONGESTION REPORT FROM 06 : 36 TO 10 : 40 No trunks available : (Route ID # : Total) 08 : 19 , 11 : 11