Interesting way of doing it on the 3300, it will probably work but isn't it kind of overkill? Couldn't you just put a Multicall Appearance of x3333 (or whatever you want) and set the appearance to Ring Constantly, and make sure those sets have non-Prime line call display and essentially accomplish the same thing?
As far as on the 5000, I am not sure now... what the customer is telling me is NOT what I am seeing happening. When I do a Feature 00 and look at the button marked Panic, it is nothing but a key that is "Group Page *72" meaning it is doing nothing but a page to a group of phones. And when I tried it, it only works when the set is idle but it does activate a one-way page to four phones and they can hear what is going on in the office that pressed the button. I am starting to think this might be one of those things that the sales person "I don't know if it can do that, let me check on it and get back to you" and it kind of festered into something much larger. I need to do some more checking...