Author Topic: Missing digit when dialing a number with a space  (Read 1780 times)

Offline paulbeynon

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Missing digit when dialing a number with a space
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:11:07 AM »
Hi All,

I am hopeful of a solution to this one. Using UCE and Outlook 2010 - when I try to dial a number which has a space in it, the first digit will get knocked off the area code. it will put in the 9 to dial out, but then remove the 0 - local numbers are not affected as they don't use the area code.

For example - in outlook I have a contact for Joe Bloggs - his business number is entered as 01234 567765 - his mobile entered as 07123456789 - when I search, if I dial his number it presents it as 907123456789, if I select his business number, it is presented as 91234567765.

There is no setting I can see where this is set!! The simple solution I know is to remove the space, it works, BUT we are rolling this out to 250 users, many with over 100 contacts, thats potentially 25000 spaces to be removed if only one number per contact is like it  :o

So, if possible I would like a solution that can be applied via UCE or Outlook

Any help would be really really well received.

Offline boycey9

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Re: Missing digit when dialing a number with a space
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 03:51:48 PM »
You need to create dialling rules, see here


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