Author Topic: It's hard to find Mitel techs  (Read 8232 times)

Offline ralph

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It's hard to find Mitel techs
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:31:55 AM »
Just a bit of commentary here.
If we're any indication of how things are going with Mitel, there's going to be a lot of new Mitel techs coming up the ranks.
We're hiring two new techs as I write this and really I think we need a third.
We're installing and upgrading so many systems that it's really become a problem to get all the work done in a week.
I've seen several postings around the WWW, including Ace's and it appears that no one is available.
The problem is, there isn't time to train newbies.
If you're willing to move and have Mitel experience, it appears you can pretty much pick where you want to move to.
Maybe there's a way to reach out to our Mitel brothers across the pond and bring a few stateside.



Offline acejavelin

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 09:45:04 AM »
Just a bit of commentary here.
If we're any indication of how things are going with Mitel, there's going to be a lot of new Mitel techs coming up the ranks.
We're hiring two new techs as I write this and really I think we need a third.
We're installing and upgrading so many systems that it's really become a problem to get all the work done in a week.
I've seen several postings around the WWW, including Ace's and it appears that no one is available.
The problem is, there isn't time to train newbies.
If you're willing to move and have Mitel experience, it appears you can pretty much pick where you want to move to.
Maybe there's a way to reach out to our Mitel brothers across the pond and bring a few stateside.


We are in exactly the same boat... tons of work, need trained people, and no one to fill the position. Although we are only looking for one person right now, in my part of the world the economy is exploding and growing rapidly since I am on the southeastern edge of the Bakken Oilfields, so I can see where we may need a second or third tech over the next year or so, especially since we are also moving into a hosted solution and my time to work on "traditional" phone systems is being cut because of that project.

Other problem is I don't think it is much better overseas... I could be wrong but a few contacts I have reached out to say the same thing, they can't find trained people and the issue with training new people isn't just time, but expense and the fact that loyalty is almost non-existent in the telecom world today, people get trained and just leave so management is leery to hire someone, invest a ton of time and money into training, just to have that person leave a year later for a lower insurance deductible, an extra buck an hour, or a better parking spot (I am exaggerating, a little bit, but you get the idea).

Offline bobcheese

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2012, 08:01:57 AM »
Not much different on this side of the pond to be honest. Quite a few 'Mitel' techs about but too not many who actually know what they are doing :) We have a history of training college graduates and to be honest this is where our best people have come from. Seems to me if you go and pay big money for a 'all singing all dancing' trained on everything Mitel engineer they pull their face when you ask them to get their hands dirty. So what use is a megabucks engineer who wants to pick and choose his workload?

--End Rant--

Offline ralph

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2012, 08:46:41 AM »
We've had some pretty good luck bringing on collage students with networking background.
The problem is it takes a while to train them and usually when you hire it's because you need someone now.
A good strategic plan would include having a pipeline of newbies coming up that are available when you need them.
Problem is if you get them trained but then misjudge the market you may have people with nothing to do.

So we end up raiding each other for techs.   Not sure that's the best in the long run for everyone.


Offline Mattmayn

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2012, 11:59:49 AM »
What seems to happen is the small companies end up hiring and training the unexperienced and then they move on for more pay.

Offline ralph

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 01:47:25 PM »
What seems to happen is the small companies end up hiring and training the inexperienced and then they move on for more pay.

yes, there's that.   Looks like that's getting easier to do.   If you're willing to move it would appear you can pretty much write your own ticket.
Lots of new Mitels going in means lots of jobs.   With more demand for more talent I would think salaries should be climbing.


Offline Mattmayn

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2012, 08:20:12 AM »
We are one of the smaller guys, it sucks.

Offline acejavelin

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2012, 09:45:37 AM »
We are one of the smaller guys, it sucks.
lol... same here

Offline bobcheese

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Re: It's hard to find Mitel techs
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2012, 05:47:37 AM »
I see it differently, we work on the person more than the skill set. Without belittling anyone, as long as you have a 'certain' amount of intelligence and you have a technical background you can be trained to a certain level of tech. To progress that bit further, you have either got it or you haven't. Anyway back to what I was saying, for us (a small company with big ideas  ;D ) it the above + the persons attitude. They have got to buy in to the ethos of the business and want to work for us. Then, provided they get enough training and the installations to keep them interested we dont have a problem with people leaving. You get the odd one who is all about the money but IMO your better off without these people anyway.


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