All I want to do is either call forward from one extension to another through two different Mitel controllers or add a button on each phone that will flash when a call is coming in to the other phone. If the phones reside in the same building, and on the same controller, I can do this. For some reason, it does not work when trying to do this through another controller that's at another one of our facilities. We have 5 Mitel Controllers (each at a different facility) and all are clustered.
For instance:
Building #1: has extension: 4231 (full number DID: 234-634-4231) - resides on PRI #1
Building #2: has extension: 7342 (full number DID: 423-323-7342) - resides on PRI #2
If 4231 is ringing, I want to have 7342's phone able to receive the call forwarding or see the ringing flash on the phone.
If 7342 is ringing, I want to have 4231's phone able to receive the call forwarding or see the ringing flash on the phone.
if both of these extensions were located in the same building, I can make it work. Right now, since these extensions are at different facilities and are plugged into different controllers, it does not work. But, if I'm at either building location, I can dial either extension to reach the other phone. I just can't call forward.
I'm not sure if I'm making sense about what I'm trying to do, so I need a little direction. I did not set these controllers up, so my knowledge is limited.
I'm not sure if they are connected to the same PBX, but I don't think they are.
Where do I check to see if the trunks are under a different tenant and how do I check interconnect restrictions?
Mattmayn, I'm not sure how to get the answer to your questions. Could you tell me where to look?