Author Topic: UCA for Android - No go for my rooted EVO 4G  (Read 2218 times)

Offline akuhn

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UCA for Android - No go for my rooted EVO 4G
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:08:21 AM »
FYI, I was sick of the Sprint bloatware on my EVO 4G and didn't want to buy a new phone.  So, I rooted my phone and loaded CyanogenMod 7 on it.  Very, very cool.  Tons more memory available.  Faster.  Better battery life.

The only, and I mean only app, that will not run on it, is the Mitel UCA for Android.  It doesn't know what to do with the launchers available out there.  ADW and GoLauncher are the two launchers I've tried.

This is a big negative.  I'm not sure if this is by design, as some kind of security issue, or if it's by accident.  Rooting Android phones.  Jail Breaking iPhones is a messy netherworld probably not recognized by various companies.

Anyone experience this or have a work-around?


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