@dutch_tuga: If you have questiong about deploying .NET, you should always look at Aaron Stebner's blog. He's part of the Windows installer team at Microsoft, and always has good info about deploying .NET. In your case, I think you'd find this blog entry valuable:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2010/06/04/10020299.aspx@akuhn: You are dabbling with the Deep Magic. What you want is to learn about Windows Installer logging, and how to create Windows Installer transforms and a nifty little tool called ORCA that you'd use to view the contents an MSI and create transforms (MST files.) The Orca tool is part of the Windows Installer Platform SDK which is available as a free download from Microsoft. Chances are, the solution to your problem will go like this:
1. Log the manual installation
2. View the log and find the name of the property or properties that is set that controls the server name
3. Open the MSI in orca, choose to generate a transform that modifies that property to the desired value.
4. Feed both the MSI and the MST into the GPO (you have to choose advanced when adding the MSI to the GPO to have the option to apply a transform.)
I know I didn't provide much detail, but if you found your way here, you obviously have a fair amount of brainpower.