Let me bounce this off of Y'all.
If you use T.38, standard modems break. Does anyone agree/disagree?
We've put upgraded one customer with T.38 and afterwards credit card machines and modems no longer worked. There wasn't a way I found aroung this. My thought would be to set routes for modems that didn't implement T.38 but I discovered there is no way to do this. So, if I have a customer that wants to upgrade to T.38 and has modems for monitoring HVAC systems, everything stops. (I know this is strange but faxes had issues and the modems seems to work.)
Am I seeing this wrong? Or, can anyone else make modems work accross a network using T.38.
Also, chandmaynard, could you go into just a little more detail on how you were able to make faxes work with a SIP provider? Was it SIP to the 3300 then accross the network to a remote 3300?