Author Topic: Voice Mail for a Hunt Group  (Read 8595 times)

Offline bavingtonm

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Voice Mail for a Hunt Group
« on: May 17, 2011, 05:45:27 AM »

I do not claim to be an expert on Mitel systems and was hoping for some assistance with setting up voice mail on a Hunt Group.
I have created a Hunt Group for our technical team and have been trying to setup a voice mail for it but everytime I try it never works.  While investigating how to configure this it keeps refering to 'Class of Service Options Assignment' form but I must admit its confusing me a little.

All I need to do is setup a voice mail for the Hunt Group Ext, which is a virtual ext and would appreciate any help to enable this, so any advise would be welcomed.



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Re: Voice Mail for a Hunt Group
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2011, 08:20:45 AM »
I'm unclear as to what is not working.
Is it you can't create the VM box (BTW: What type of vm system do you have?)
or it's created but not forwarding?

Can you post the exact error you get and what form you're in when you get it?

« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 08:09:52 AM by ralph »

Offline bavingtonm

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Re: Voice Mail for a Hunt Group
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2011, 11:34:58 AM »
When I say a virtual ext, I mean that there is no physical telephone with the ext assigned to it.

I have the hunt group ext setup with the hunt group type set to "Voice", secondary element set to "Unassigned" although this is where I assumed I would program the Voice mail for the hunt group???

As stated before I don't claim to be an expert in Mitel ICP 3300 and can only go but the help files and google searches to try and understand what needs to be carried out.

The area in help that I found and assumed needed to be setup states the following:

Secondary Element

Allows you to enable and disable resiliency for the hunt group.  You can only enable resiliency if the Group Type field is set to "Voice" or "VoiceMail".
On the primary (local) element, select the secondary element for the resilient hunt group. If the primary element fails, the hunt group fails over to the secondary element that is specified in this field. You must program the COS  fields before you can enable a hunt group with resiliency. Refer to the 3300 ICP Resiliency Guide on Mitel Online for instructions on how to configure hunt group resiliency.

In the  this form, the secondary element field displays "Not Assigned" if the group is not resilient. If the secondary element field is blank, the group is resilient but the secondary element name is blank.

In the Add and Change window, the secondary element field allows you to enable resiliency . To enable resiliency, select an element from the drop-down list. To disable resiliency, select the "Not Assigned" from drop-down list.

On the secondary element, this field is read-only.

But this is where I'm stuck, as I cannot select anything from the drop down for Secondary Element - Unassigned and don't really understand what I must change to enable this functionality, if really required to achieve what I need.

This is where I'm stuck, and could probably be looking in the wrong section all together, so any advise is good advise?



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Re: Voice Mail for a Hunt Group
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2011, 12:09:42 PM »
The secondary element section is for if you have additional controllers in a cluster, and you want to make the hunt group resilient to one of those controllers.

Instead, you need to be looking at call-routing, specifically the Call Re-Routing 1st Alternative and then Call Re-Routing Assignment forms.

Offline andred14

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Re: Voice Mail for a Hunt Group
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2012, 01:56:04 PM »
Good evening  8)

Please I am wondering did you manage to get this working? I am trying to do the same thing but the phones just ring and ring...

First I created a first alternative (First Alternative Assignment) to a speed dial which then goes to the mailbox I want for the hunt group.

I then assigned this first alternative to the hunt group pilot number (Call Routing Assignment) but this did not work.

Then I tried assigning the first alternative to the directory numbers used in the hunt group but also this did not work.

Thank you all for any help with this


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