Author Topic: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings  (Read 5467 times)

Offline CBeyer

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Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« on: July 13, 2018, 09:27:05 AM »
We have a remote office that uses a different ISP for its internet connection. The office contains a single user and a single Mitel 5330 IP Phone.

The old 8622 IP phone finally failed and was replaced with the Mitel 5330. I sent the phone down with the user, forgetting to set the settings to make it talk back to our Remote IPRC IP Address.

With her on the phone, I tried going through the settings with her. We got this far and now I need some assistance with the settings as they seem to be a little different than the 8622 settings.

Rebooting the phone and holding the 8 button brings up the Configure Phone options.

* For Yes
Network Parameters * Yes
View Current Values # No
View DHCP Values # No
View Static Values # No
View Persit. Data # No
Modify Static Vlue * Yes

Static Network Params (Scroll through using up/down arrows)
Phone IP Address: Info Provided
Default Gateway: Info Provided
Subnet Mask: Info Provided

ICP IP Address: Is this the REMOTE IPRC IP?
TFTP SVR IP Address: Is this the REMOTE IPRC IP?
TFTP Port:

L2 Priority Default:
L2 Priority Voice:
L2 Priority Signal:
DSCP Default:
DSCP Voice:
DSCP Signal

IPA Address: Is this the REMOTE IPRC IP?
DNS1 IP Address:
DNS2 IP Address:
HTTP Proxy Address:
HTTP Proxy Port:

I'm looking for where to put the Remote IPRC IP Address, the IP Address that hooks back to our network so the phone can be part of the network we have. I don't see Remote IPRC IP in any of the settings (it does show up in the 8266 phone configuration).

Any assistance on this? Above, any of the blank settings are blank on the phone as well. I assume they aren't necessary?

Thank everyone!

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2018, 11:23:54 AM »

A 5330 phone doesn't work on an IPRC as that is an Inter-Tel Axxess system not a MiVO-250.



Offline CBeyer

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2018, 11:53:43 AM »
So, I got the wrong phone? Going from the 8622 to the 5330 was the wrong choice?

The 5330 does work within the office network. I've tested all 3 that we have. You're saying I cannot send this to an outer office and get it to connect back to office using our public facing IP address?

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2018, 12:52:53 PM »

If it works internally then it should work externally. Are you sure you have an IPRC that you are connecting to? The 5330 is not supported on Axxess systems that use an IPRC only the MiVO-250 and not all versions of that.

I think you are just using incorrect terminology if it is working on your LAN.



Offline CBeyer

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2018, 01:14:43 PM »
I went ahead and replaced the broken 8266 with a new one... it will be delivered next week and should work. On the 8266, when I configure the phone, I'm asked to enter a IPRC IP Address. The IP Address I enter is the public facing IP Address on our network that routes to our Phone System internal IP.

The terminology on the 5330 is different. It doesn't ask for an IPRC IP address, it asks for four different IP addresses:

the phone IP (which I have)
an ICP IP Address
an IPA Address
an TFTP SVR IP Address

I put the public facing IP Address under the ICP address, but that didn't work. It just sits there trying to contact the server. I'm guessing that I just have the public IP address in the wrong spot... was hoping you all could help answer which spot it goes into :)

But, the replacement 8266 should be here next week, we'll just use what we are familiar with. :)

I guess my question is, how do I configure the

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2018, 01:37:32 PM »

Alright, now it is making sense as to what you are doing.

All you needed to do was hold down 7 on the 5330 and setup teleworker with the public IP Address of the phone system.

If it doesn't connect then you need to figure out why and most likely it is your firewall since both of those phones use different ports to communicate with the system.

What version of the MiVO-250 do you have?



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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2018, 02:20:00 PM »
Remember that the 53xx series phones use a completely different set of ports than the old 86xx IP phones, if you have never had a MiNET phone external to the system before you may need to reconfigure your router to port forward the appropriate ports, but otherwise it is just default the phone, connect to POE and hold 7, select Yes, IPv4, New, and enter the public IP address of the 5000 system, press VOL DN and confirm to reboot.

Also remember the phone device is different, you can't just "replace" the old one... in the Mitel 5000 you must delete the current extension and create a new one that is the correct type, and since it is remote set the NAT type accordingly.

Offline CBeyer

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2018, 02:30:42 PM »
The version is Mitel MiVoice Office 250

Do you happen to know the ports? We've set the teleworker address to our public IP and some different things happened, but still trying to contact to the server. Do you know what the ports are for this phone? Our current firewall is very simple. Nothing is even explicitly setup for the current 8266 phones... they just work :)

@Acejavelin... the extension was setup appropriately. The new 5330 phone was added via Mac Address and setup with a new extension. I don't have much under the "NAT" type other than Native or NAT. I's currently on NAT.

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2018, 02:37:16 PM »
69/UDP, 20001/UDP - Used for TFTP of firmware to phones
6800-6802/TCP - Used for basic call control with MiNET phones
3998-3999/TCP - Used for phone applications and button functionality with MiNET phones
50098-50509/UDP - Used for RTP (audio) to the MiNET Phone
6004-6261/UDP - Used for RTP to the 5000 processor module
6604-7039/UDP - Used for RTP to the 5000 PEC1 (used only if you have a Processor Expansion Module)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 08:14:01 PM by acejavelin »

Offline CBeyer

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2018, 02:50:53 PM »
Adding the ports did the trick!!!
Thank you all very much!!!!

Offline ka1axy

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Re: Mitel 5330 IP Phone Remote Settings
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2024, 10:13:13 AM »
Have a couple of 5330 phones off Goodwill with FW and working well in SIP mode. Can access HTTP config page, and have them hooked up to my FreePBX system. I understand these phones are old and unsupported, but I'd love to do something with all the buttons.

The phone's "Settings" page shows only "Text Size" and "About this 5330 IP phone" buttons. Other users have indicated that there should be much more here.
I believe this is related to a missing ".cfg" file which sets the default menu actions. That being said, I did find this page
which helped me to create a MT_[MAC address].cfg file which the phone did retrieve from my TFTP server and which did set some additional key functions, but the page references a "DK115611_16.xls" document that is supposed to have "all the information" about button number to physical location mapping. Googling that document gets me a bunch of dead links...anyone have a copy?

What I would love to get is a document that defines the ALL parameters used in the MT_[MAC address].cfg file, particularly the "Fea" numbers and how to create this file from scratch (there may be some kind of program that does this?). It looks like this file is quite powerful in configuring the phone, but there seems to be almost no information available on how to create it.


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