After a recent upgrade to our nupoint server from version 3 to version 4. I can no longer log in as the root user even at the console the error logs report this:-
Jan 18 15:08:09 nupoint esmith::event[4365]: adjust-services=action|Event|email-update|Action|adjust-services|Start|1295363289 119700|End|1295363289 897145|Elapsed|0.777445
Jan 18 15:43:04 nupoint sshd: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "uid=root,ou=Users,dc=oldham,dc=gov,dc=uk" (Invalid credentials)
I remember reading something somewhere that I could recreate/restore the root user using the MSL disk. Has anyone done this and if so have any pointers? Or do I need to boot into single user mode and do it the old fashioned way?