Author Topic: Mitel 5000 Attendant Console Software  (Read 1441 times)

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Mitel 5000 Attendant Console Software
« on: May 04, 2023, 03:46:43 PM »
Is it possible to use the Attendant Console Software on more than one computer and have incoming calls route between two different extensions?

Mitel 5000
DB Programming

Here's the scenario, at the moment all calls route to an operator (ext 110) that answers the calls and transfers them to specific departments. They use the Attendant Console Software to transfer those calls, which requires a USB license to be plugged into the computer.
Would it be possible to turn that answer extension (the operator number) into a hunt group, then put two extensions (110 and 123) in the new hunt group so two different receptionists can take calls and transfer with the Attendant Console Software? We only have one USB key for that, is there even the availability to purchase another one now a days?

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Re: Mitel 5000 Attendant Console Software
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2023, 04:02:01 PM »

You can absolutely change your call flow to go to a Hunt Group with two operators and it won't cost you anything except a technician's time to do the work if you can't do it yourself.

However, you will need to purchase another Attendant Console software pack to get another License USB Key. The problem is that Mitel is no longer selling new ones after June 30, 2022 [see Appendix B of bulletin], so if your vendor doesn't have the one you need in their warehouse then you may have to go to a reseller or E-Bay to find another key. Just keep in mind that the key has to match the environment [Single Node or MultiNode].




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Re: Mitel 5000 Attendant Console Software
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2023, 04:19:37 PM »
FWIW, these are kind of spendy... $1200 new from a couple vendors for the single node license, but as Tech mentioned this is a discontinued product... I haven't seen a used one for sale for some time.

That said, it would be much easier (and cheaper) to get a PKM and add it to a phone and then add it to an extension list/hunt group.


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