Author Topic: Issues with Call Server since IP and DHCP Change  (Read 1198 times)

Offline NLTMB

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Issues with Call Server since IP and DHCP Change
« on: March 08, 2023, 11:36:48 AM »
Hi all,

Hopefully someone can help with this strange problem.

We are changing the IP address of a phone system that handles the DHCP for a large cluster. The IP change goes well and we change the DHCP options to match the IP range, however since the change, the Mitel phones no longer connect to the call server of the Mitel, even though they do get an address from the DHCP and can be seen clearly in the lease viewer.

Here are some tests we have carried out:

- Disconnected system from cluster and just using switches connected to system (this hasn't been unclustered from the system)
- Disconnected system from switching and plugged Mitel 6920 phone directly into LAN port via a PoE injector
- Defaulted phone and same issue occurs
- Statically assigning the phone also doesn't work
- Looking at network status shows the call server as blank in the settings
- Installed backup on new system and repeated the above, same issue persists
- On bootup in VXWorks, system IP change is present
- IP/PBX networking is currently blank, tried inserting new addressing but makes no change

If you have any suggestions or have seen this before, please let me know.

Many thanks

Offline AH64Armament

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Re: Issues with Call Server since IP and DHCP Change
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2023, 01:00:18 PM »
Where did you change the IP addresses?  In the ESM under IP configuration?  Or in the VXworks?
If the latter, you will have issues; and you should contact Mitel Product Support to fix it under the hood.


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