Author Topic: When posting Resumes on Dice  (Read 4773 times)

Offline ralph

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When posting Resumes on Dice
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:52:25 AM »
Ok heads up.
I've been looking to hire a Nortel Tech to work for me in my remote center so I get a listing from Dice on Resumes that match keywords like "nortel", "option 11", "BCM", "CS1000", etc.

The problem is that we pay for any resumes we download.   Dice sends us a listing that includes Name and Title of the resume and last Job Title - not much else.
So the resume title MUST include something relevant about the job you're looking for such as "Highly Experienced Nortel Tech". 
A lot of the Resume titles I see say "Resume" or "Highly Motivated" or "Applicant2010"  and Last Job Title may be "N/A".   
I can tell you that no one is going to pay for a resume that doesn't look like it has any relevance to what I need.

So, if you're using DICE, or Monster or whatever, be sure that you put your keywords all the relevant places.
Then, good luck.


« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 10:22:22 AM by ralph »

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Re: When posting Resumes on Dice
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 06:51:47 PM »
Poor guy that has to work on option 11  :)

Offline ralph

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Re: When posting Resumes on Dice
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 10:13:50 AM »
Or CS1000 or BCM or IP Office......

What an experience this has been.   Typically the people I've hired I've known so I wasn't trying to do research on dice or Monster.
I know I'll certainly do things differently if I post there.

Our HR manager used to be the HR director for a major international auto parts supplier.   He also sits on the board of one of the local collages.   He was brought in by one collage to do a talk to students on how prepare resumes and work with these job search sites.   The collage was impressed enough to ask him to come back and redo it so they could video tape it.    Now all students that go through job placement must watch the video before they'll work with you to get job.    I'm asking if there's a way for me to get my hands on the video  (doesn't look promising because the collage owns the rights).   He has volunteered to work with my son's one on one to help them.



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