Author Topic: Messaging to Mitel 5634 handheld phones  (Read 2695 times)

Offline mykalberta

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Messaging to Mitel 5634 handheld phones
« on: November 10, 2022, 12:46:22 AM »
Hello, I am what you would call a complete n00b when it comes to Mitel phones. I tried to search the forums for this but I am may not be familiar with the correct terms. So if this has been answered previously please forward me to that thread. Thanks.

I am an IT manager for a medium sized company in Canada. We previously used a Panasonic phone system, now that Panasonic is no longer producing on premise phone systems we have chosen Mitel as our replacement - we have an on premise solution. I dont think our Mitel Solutions provider has alot of experience with this type of request so I am looking for something to point them in the right direction.

Our environment is 30 x 6920 deskset and 85 5634 handheld phones.

With Panasonic we can page to our wireless handheld phones - we do this for specific emergency purposes, example: Code Black first floor. We page a number of groups that would include all the handheld phones in our facility. The code is standardized - there are ~100 permutations of the same message, 10 colors, 10 floors. We currently only page from the deskset phones.

We have been told there is no paging to wireless phones with Mitel so I am looking for a solution to replace this (an intercom system is not feesible in our environment). A workaround I thought might be possible would be to send a "text message" (wrong term I know, not sure what to call it - direct message?) to the handheld phones.

For this I thought of 2 possible solutions (again this is just me spitballing solutions that would work).
* Have a number (~100) pre programmed messages assigned to specific star+numbers or just extensions. Example, from above someone could press *9100 and that would send a message to all handheld phones that reads: Code Black first floor - ideally in a different ring tone, if this needs to be programmed on the handheld that is fine.
* Another thought (this is less ideal as its prone to user error) is perhaps there is an add on software to be installed on a Windows PC or a user could web into the Mitel. They could then use the app to send the same message to the same handhelds.


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