Author Topic: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan  (Read 2387 times)

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MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« on: April 08, 2021, 05:29:59 PM »
Hello all, my first post here. We are getting a MiVoice 250 soon and we are currently figuring out our new extension numbering, it will be 4 digits. We are being told that we need to have all of our extensions in the 1000-1999 range because all other numbers are reserved for system features. There will be multiple MiVoice systems networked together and it would be nice to have each sites 4 digit extensions set up in 1000 number blocks so that one location starts at the 1000's and the next the 2000's, so on and so forth. I was just hoping to bounce that off ya'll to see if that was correct, extension numbers starting with 2-9 are reserved. Or maybe more precisely, extension numbers starting with 2-9 are discouraged as reassigning system feature numbers would be labor intensive. Thanks for your time : )

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2021, 11:39:17 AM »
Out of the box, extensions starting with 1 and 2 are fine, but 3-9 are reserved for features... It is fairly easy to rework the system to clear up 5, 6, and 7, but 3 are the default feature codes, and 4 is reverse transfer (you really want this to be a single digit, trust me), 8 is reserved for outgoing access and 9 for 911 (don't mess with that).

The reason you may have been told not to use 2 is most "system" things like hunt groups, CRA's, etc. use extensions starting with 2 by default, but this can be changed as well.

Networked systems tend to present challenges for the 250, but this really depends on your system's size and number of systems to be networked. Can you give us a scope of the overall project?

Also remember that really only phone extensions need to be unique... feature access codes, and many other things can be in duplicated in multiple sites depending on how you implementing them (although I don't recommend this if possible).

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2021, 12:06:50 PM »
Ok, that mirrors what we are hearing. We were initially told to avoid 3-9 then later they added stay away from 2 as well if we can. There will be 8 locations each with a 250. The network between them will appear to be just a flat network, or as far as the 250's will know, they are all plugged into the same network switch. What kind of challenges do 250's have being on a network?

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2021, 01:09:58 PM »
Only 8 sites? A walk in the park. My 68 nodes play nicely together, but only because the numbering plan was well thought out.

I used 4 through 7 for extension numbers, 2 for voice mail applications, 3 for feature codes, and 9 for all trunks and trunk groups (which also should be unique). Use feature keys, end users should never be expected to remember feature codes.

Forget about reserving 1,000 number blocks for extensions. You'll run out of numbers before using a fraction of the system capacity.

Reserve smaller blocks: 4100 to 4199, 4200 to 4299, etc. Actual size will be determined by the anticipated number of phones, leaving plenty of room for expansion.

Number your hunt groups within the reserved block, so you can instantly identify which site it belongs to. Reserve 2xxxx blocks for voice mail applications, for the same reason. You'll just make yourself crazy if you mix everything together randomly.

Number your IP Connections to match the node number: P6001 and P6101 for Node 1, P6002 and P6102 for Node 2, etc. You'll know instantly what you're looking at.

Create a detailed spreadsheet to document your numbering plan before even thinking about starting any programming. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2021, 06:12:28 PM »

I have to agree with everything DND ON said as it truly is a simple task to set this up, but I do want to add one thing that will allow future programming to be easier on you.

Go to System > Number Plan > Device Baseline Extensions

Setup all of the baselines you need for each site for that site so if someone is adding a new Device or Application it will draw from the correct pool of numbers for that site.



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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2021, 02:37:44 PM »
Thank you all for your guidance! I havent worked on Mitel's since the 90's on an SX-2000. For the node numbers, what would P6001 and P6101 denote? Would that be two different HX controllers at the same site?

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2021, 05:09:13 PM »

That is referring to the IP Connections (Paths) between Nodes and they have to unique numbers.

P6001 would be associated with the Base Processor [Default: P6000] and P6101 would be associated with the Processor Expansion Card (PEC) [Default: P6001]. You may not have a PEC but it is a good practice to change it anyway.

On Node 2 you would use P6002 and P6102 and Node 3 would be P6003 and P6103 etc...

You will also need to worry about Nodes that usually start at 97002 so that would be for Node 2, Node 3 would be 97003 etc...

Then you will have Node Trunk Groups that start at 8000 and so on.



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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2021, 08:46:50 AM »
Oh wow. I've got some learning to do. Ok, last digit of the node should indicate site. ie, site 1 is P6001, P6101, 97001; site 2 is P6002, P6102, 97002; etc... With 97's being route groups for other sites I guess? Is this info available in a manual somewhere? Like are there P8000's and P6000's?

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2021, 12:23:19 PM »
There’s no requirement for a comprehensive numbering plan, so you won’t see it in a manual. You could simply randomly number things and hope for the best.

Those of us who’ve been doing this for a while know that a bit of planning now will make your life much easier for years to come.

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Re: MiVoice 250 Numbering plan
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2021, 06:33:25 PM »

It is a good idea to sit down and take the time, like DND ON stated, and figure this out for yourself as it will make oh so much more sense; especially after you do several times. You may even run into the odd job or two that goes completely against the grain and will require you to come up with a completely new number plan and you will need to understand how it all really works together.

There are other setting within some of these things that you will want to know about and make changes to as the default settings are not optimal to say the least.

People like DND ON and I have done this literally hundreds of times and most likely can do it without really thinking too much about it. This is typically due to the fact that we have default databases that we can start with that get us most of the way where we need to be and then the rest becomes just minor changes and data entry.

The original post however was only worried about a numbering plan how it should go and why his vendor make certain statements.




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