Author Topic: Reporter Real-Time Pro (Mitel MiContact Center Office) Agents Not Showing Up  (Read 1409 times)

Offline apope

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While using Reporter Real-Time Pro to view available and busy agents, we are noticing some agents not showing up after they hunt in. It always seems to be one agent that will not show up....but it is not always the same person every time.
Using MiVoice Office 250

I have verified that the users extension has been added under Filters>(Their Specific Queue) and that filter is applied to the tile. It appears that the amount of agents never goes over 13. The 14th person is who gets kicked off and won't show up after they hunt in. However, a year or two ago we had 24 or so agents and they all showed up no problem.

About a week ago I restarted the CSM server and the agent that was missing started showing up and we thought everything was fixed, but now another agent is not showing up.

Offline apope

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Just an update that this has been solved. I figured out that we had too many agents hunted in. We had created a few other hunt groups over the years that we did not think about.

We only had licenses for 40 agents, so the next agent that would hunt in during the day would not show up in reporter pro. We fixed this by changing some unneeded hunt groups to "members" groups so they did not burn a license.


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