hello ,
you need to use network zone in this case , not COR/ARS
Hello, sunspark, thanks for reply!
You mean using location based routing?
Sorry, not clearly explained. Trunks are PSTN gateways. So, when group of users (group1) dial 9+local PSTN number they must go through trunk-1. Trunk2 for group2 etc.
Tried Location Based Routing, and its works for DNs and speedcalls. But when I try to use LBN as prefix - its fails.
For example, LBN is "9" (LBN pref - 100). Im dialing "9" + Local PSTN number (xxx-xx-xx).
Im expexting to have 100+9+xxx-xx-xx on ARS route. but getting SIP 404.
MCD catching only 100+9 instead of 100+9+xxx-xx-xx.