Author Topic: Pythone, Telnetlib, and MiVB 9.0  (Read 1983 times)

Offline VeeDubb65

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Pythone, Telnetlib, and MiVB 9.0
« on: December 26, 2019, 06:57:59 PM »
So, this one is waaaaaaaaaaay out in left field, but I'm wondering if anybody can help me out.  Several years ago I wrote an application in Python that listens to all three of our 3300's SMDR feeds, parses out the data, and dumps it into a SQL database. Handy stuff.

The trouble is that after the upgrade to 9.0 sp1, I can connect to the telnet streams manually from a regular old cmd or powershell window, but for some reason all three PBX's actively refuse connections from the Python telnetlib.

I've tried telnetlib3, and it looks like it can connect, but the syntax and usage is so different that I can't seem to get it working. Anybody familair with telnetlib3 or with getting the old telnetlib to connect to the latest 3300 software?

My complete code, unchanged except for redacting some IP addresses and hostnames, is below:

Code: [Select]
import telnetlib, datetime, pymssql
from multiprocessing import Process

# This is an example call record:
# -05/29 05:48A 0000:05:22 X9999    016 9715553235 29913721 8000    8015                          002   9715553235 3721
# This is the definition of the SMDR record:
# zmm/dd hh:mmp hhhh:mm:ss ppppppp fttt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmmmmmhsqqqqqqqk rrrrrrr aaaaaaaaaaaasiii_  aaaaaaaaaa ddddddd
#   *the definition is 3 char longer than the example because mitel doesn't pad trailing spaces for the last field, so
#   the full record could be anything from 113 to 120 char.
#   *not all fields are separated, so parsing chars seems easier than regular expressions.
#   *lumping meter pulses (mmmmm) in with 'digits dialed on trunk' (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) because ddot frequently
#   overwrites meter pulses anyway.

#############################################  Stuff to edit starts here  #############################################

SQLsrvr = 'serverhostname' # SQL server hostname or IP. Redacted my real hostname.

SQLdb = 'SMDR' # Database name.

# One uniquely named function for each PBX, calling the Collect function with the corresponding PBX's IP. I've redacted my real IP addresses.
def Proc1():
    Collect( '111.222.333.444' )
def Proc2():
    Collect( '222.333.444.555' )
def Proc3():
    Collect( '333.444.555.666' )

# One process start for each process function.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p1 = Process( target=Proc1 )
    p2 = Process( target=Proc2 )
    p3 = Process( target=Proc3 )

#############################################  Stuff to edit stops here  #############################################

def Collect(pbxip):
    global ident, ident
    tn = telnetlib.Telnet( pbxip ) pbxip, 1752 )
    conn = pymssql.connect( server=SQLsrvr, database =SQLdb )
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    while True:
            # read one line and encode it utf-8 so the /r/n at the end can be removed
            callrec = tn.read_until('\n'.encode('utf-8'))
            # grab the current time before there's any more processing.
            collectDT =
            # trim off the line terminations and then decode the call record back to a raw string value.
            callrec = callrec[:-4]
            callrec = callrec.decode('utf-8')

                lcode = callrec[0:1] # code to classify length of call
                # replacing % and space to make sql queries easier later
                if lcode == '%':
                    lcode = 'm'
                if lcode == ' ':
                    lcode = '.'
                # cstart - the datetime that the call started.
                    # make sure that a call starting NYE and ending NYD isn't recorded with the wrong year.
                    if == 1 and callrec[1:3] == '12':
                        callyear = str( - 1)
                        callyear = str(
                    # combine the year we just determined with the strings from callrec and create a datetime.
                    cstart = datetime.datetime.combine(
                        datetime.datetime.strptime( callrec[1:6] + "/" + callyear, '%m/%d/%Y' ).date(),
                        datetime.datetime.strptime( callrec[7:12] + " " + callrec[12:13] + "M", "%I:%M %p" ).time()
                    cstart = ""
                # duration - the length of the call in seconds
                    duration = (int( callrec[14:18] ) * 3600) \
                               + (int( callrec[19:21] ) * 60) \
                               + int( callrec[22:24] )
                    duration = ""
                # strip() removes leading and trailing spaces. replace(" ","") removes all spaces.
                caller = (callrec[25:32].strip()) # calling party
                attnd = (callrec[33:34]).replace(" ","") # attendant on call
                tta = (callrec[34:37]).replace(" ","") # time to answer
                ddot = (callrec[38:64].strip()) # digits dialed on trunk
                ccs = (callrec[64:65]).replace(" ","") # call completion status
                spdcall = (callrec[65:66]).replace(" ","") # speedcall/callfwd flag
                called = (callrec[66:73]).replace(" ","") # called party
                trnsconf = (callrec[73:74]).replace(" ","") # transfer/conferende
                thrdpty = (callrec[75:82]).replace(" ","") # third party
                acct = (callrec[83:95]).replace(" ","") # account code/tag call identifier
                rof = (callrec[95:96]).replace(" ","") # route optimization flag
                sysid = (callrec[96:99].strip()) # system identifier
                mlpp = (callrec[100:101]).replace(" ","") # mlpp precedence level
                ani = (callrec[102:112].strip()) # ANI (caller ID)
                dnis = (callrec[113:120].strip()) #DNIS (last 4 received by pbx)
                # If there's a general failure, we want to set everything except the original call record and collection
                # time to ''. cstart and duration gor their own because they could fail to parse on valid records.
                lcode = cstart = duration = caller = attnd = tta = ddot = ccs = spdcall = called = \
                    trnsconf = thrdpty = acct = rof = sysid = mlpp = ani = dnis = ''
            # Push to SQL
                "INSERT INTO dbo.RAWRECORDS (callrec, collectDT) VALUES (%d,%d)",
                (callrec, collectDT)
            ident = int(cursor.lastrowid)
                "INSERT INTO dbo.CALLRECORDS (id, lcode, cstart, duration, caller, attnd, tta, ddot, ccs, spdcall, \
                called, trnsconf, thrdpty, acct, rof, sysid, mlpp, ani, dnis) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\
                (ident, lcode, cstart, duration, caller, attnd, tta, ddot, ccs, spdcall, called, trnsconf,
                  thrdpty, acct, rof, sysid, mlpp, ani, dnis)

This old version, which worked great before MiVB 9.0, requires Python 3, telnetlib, datetime, pymssql, and multiprocessing. It also assumes you have a database the right shape and similar enough SMDR options that your SMDR records parse the same.

Offline VeeDubb65

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Re: Pythone, Telnetlib, and MiVB 9.0
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2019, 01:24:01 PM »
Well, just in case anyone comes across this thread and wants to make use of this script, the problem was in this section:

Code: [Select]
def Collect(pbxip):
    global ident, ident
    tn = telnetlib.Telnet( pbxip ) pbxip, 1752 )
    conn = pymssql.connect( server=SQLsrvr, database =SQLdb )
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    while True:

The way this is written (did I mention I'm not a programmer?) this results in a double connection of sorts, where it first tries to connect using the default telnet port (23) and then switch to 1752. The old PBX software was perfectly happy to let you connect to port 23, or at least responded to connection attempts on 23 in such a way that telnetlib didn't mind. The new version slaps telnetlib in the face with an iptables firewall when you connect on 23 and causes the script to fail.

The very simple solution was  to change
Code: [Select]
tn = telnetlib.Telnet( pbxip ) to
Code: [Select]
tn = telnetlib.Telnet( pbxip, 1752 )
I'm sure this could all be cleaned up further and made more elegant, but at least it works again. The downside is that pymssql is officially abandoned, so if I ever have to upgrade python past 3.8 I'm going to have to re-write the whole thing, and finding a pre-compiled whl for 3.8 was an adventure.

Offline sarond

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Re: Pythone, Telnetlib, and MiVB 9.0
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2019, 06:56:25 PM »
Thanks for the update and thanks for sharing your script.

Yes you are correct, there was a change to telnet security from MiVB 9.0

The Telnet port 23 is modified as port 2023. The Call Control telnet ports can be accessed only by devices listed in the trusted networks configuration in Server Manager. For more information, see Server Manager Help.


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