MiCollab Guys,
So, I have been tasked with figuring out why this isn't working after the person who installed is no longer available to talk to. If I go through the normal process of putting in the following.
https:\\{micollab server}\ucs\micollab
I get to an invalid SSL Certificate page; easy fix there.
I click on the link to continue and get to a EULA page; Click Accept
I then get to a Login Page where I put in the username and password of a three different valid users with [Entry, Standard, and Premium] licensing.
After that I get an Error that states, "Can't connect to the server"
Didn't I just connect to the server?
What could be the duh thing here as I suspect this wasn't configured completely or correctly in the first place?
If I go to the following URI
https:\\{micollab server}\portal
I am get to the login page with no issue
I put in the username and password and it required me to change the password to meet the security limits
Then it brings me to a MiCollab End User Portal page that will allow me to change the following.
-User Information
--Email Address
--Prompt Language
--Default Page: Settings
Portal Password
-Use Password to log into this web-based interface and access your Mitel applications
-You use your telephone login passcode to access applications, such as voice mail, from your phone. It is also used as your Hot Desk User login PIN. The default passcode is set by your administrator.
That is all I get access to at this point since the AWV is not setup at all.