Author Topic: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup  (Read 9098 times)

Offline Northeaster

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questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« on: August 28, 2008, 05:59:47 PM »
I am setting up a new APC card on a Mitel 3300CXi controller. I have only set up one before, on a SX-200ICP CXi, in a lab environment.

1st - Even though the APC comes preloaded with Mitel Standard Linux (MSL), I burned a CD with an MSL image, and used the portable USB CD-drive to (re)install the MSL software on the APC - as I wanted to know how to do it, in case I have to in the field later.

The process varies a bit from what is described in the MSL install & admin guide, (it states that scipts should auto run, etc, I had to secure telnet into the switch / APC card to start the install, etc)

I had the APC working, and was able to telnet into the server-console, and make changes, or use the IP based server-manager tool to configure as well. However, when I tried reconfiguring it, in Server-manager, it said rebooting, and could not get back into it, through server-manager, or telnet.

I have since reinstalled MSL again, from the CD, and wnet through the steps OK, but now can't get into it again, to do the initial configuration, after the rebooting stage of the MSL install.

Am I missing a step when I telnet into 2005, then enter login and password, then enter - NOTHING HAPPENS. Is there a keystroke here that gets you into start the config. The 1st time it went in after hitting enter!! Now it just sits there!!

Also, can someone explain the pros an cons of using server-gateway vs server only mode for teleworker. The WAN port of the 3300 CXi will be plugged into a DSL with a public static IP address.
- Can I not use the 3300 Internet Gateway WAN port config and firewall, without using the APC as the gateway.
- If I select select server-gateway for the APC, do I still configure the 3300 Internet Gateway/WAN IP, or is this now redundant, with the APC card in server-gateway mode??
A bit of advice would be appreciated!!!!!

 just tried reinstalling MSL again. Everything seemed good, was able to install MSL, then configure it with my settings.. THEN - APC CARD REACHED CRITICAL operating temperature and shut down!!!

This is the 3rd time this happened, and may be the reason that I couldn't get into it earlier, it may have shut itself down.

Whoever has installed an APC card before-- I 1st tried to use the 2 sided tape stuff, to stick the heat dissapaiter plate onto the APC card. After it overheated the 1st time, I tried rmeoving this, but still no luck. Any ideas ??? I am probably missing something simple!!

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Re: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 07:53:23 AM »
Whoever has installed an APC card before-- I 1st tried to use the 2 sided tape stuff, to stick the heat dissapaiter plate onto the APC card. After it overheated the 1st time, I tried rmeoving this, but still no luck. Any ideas ??? I am probably missing something simple!!

I've never put in an APC (I work from a remote center so I never see the physical hardware) but have put in a few PC motherboards.   I'm sure someone else will jump in on this for a better answer but
2 sided tape
?  There arn't any clamps to hold it in ?   I would think 2 sided tape would act as an insulator so the heat sink wouldn't work right.   The one's MBs I've put in all clamped down the heat sink and then we used dialetic grease between the two.

Like I said though, hopefully someone will jump in on this.   I hear V2WIN (frequent contributor here) in on vacation this week so hopefully he'll be back soon.


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Re: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 08:57:15 AM »
Hi Ralph,   thanks for the reply.

I should not have called it 2-sided tape - it is really a sticky heat-disapainting gum-like patch, that goes between the copper-heat plates on the APC card, and the larger black heat disapaiting plate, that fits over the whole card.  there is about 1/8" space between the small copper plates on the card, and the larger plate.  These patches are quite "wet", so they must have some conductive semi-liquid in them.   

When we installed one in an sx-200ICP CXi, a couple months ago, I believe there was a peel off side on the patches, that had to be removed, before putting them between the plates.  This time, there wreen't any, or I am doing something wrong!!  Lat time I just watched teh other guy do this, and may have missed something!!

Anyway, It overheated with these patches in place, and then I took them off, just to see - and sure enough, it overheated again, with them out!!

I have now lost one of the stupid patches, so I may have to try to get another one - paste would not fill the 1/8" gap, and I doubt I can find these at any computer store!!

When it overheats, it says "reaching critcial temp of (apprx) 111 degrees, shutting down"
It is only the APC card that shuts down - the Mitel CXi still workes fine - fan is running etc (theAPC card is a separate processor that shares the case, power supply, and fan of the CXi - looks like a daughterboard)


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Re: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 10:19:52 AM »
Sounds to me like you make have a defective APC.   I'd replace it.

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Re: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 12:45:30 PM »
Well, I powered up the controller (and APC card) this morning, after putting the heat disapaitor patches back on, and it has been running for about 3 hours, without overheating.  Time will tell!! 
Was able to get the APC card to authenicate with the AMC site, and then I downloaded the teleworker blade, and got it up and running.

Did have a glitch however - I can telnet to the card, or access the Server-manager GUI - but one menu pick, the user screen in server-manager, where you add users, or modify (ie add VPN access to the admin user) will not come up - I get a contact systme admin error!!

I used server-gateway mode to set it up, and selected APC, under the 3300Cxi WAN / Internet gateway.

I do not have internet access on a connected laptop, but I imagine that I will need to open up some ports on the APC card / MSL firewall!

All input is appreciated!

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Re: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2008, 12:14:55 PM »
Any input into which ports to open up on the APC firewall, to allow basic internet access would be appreciated!!  I am not too worried about security at this point, as this is not a customer switch!!  The APC card is still up, and running!!

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Re: questions on APC card overheating and server-gateway setup
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 12:29:52 PM »
Well, the APC card ran for about a week, with only one of the two heat dissapaiting patches (cut in half, with half on each spot) .
Then, I found the other patch, so I took the card off, installed both patches, and of course, the card now seems to overheat / shut off again.  I will try splitting one patch, as before, to see if it works, but i shouldn't have to do that!!

I would like to hear if anyone else has experienced heat / shutting off issues with the APC cards!! 

I don't get the message "reached critical temperature - shutting down" now, as that was during telnet sessions, to do initial install.

Now, while logged into server-manager, with internet explorer, if I try to reinstall a blade, or upgrade my MSL version, I loose connection to the APC card after the counter says I am about 20% done the final install step!!  I cannot ping the card, or of course, use explorer or telnet, until I unplug the 3300, and let it boot up again (I assume the APC cools off during this break)


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