We recently set up a new office and all of them have Mitel 5000s and are configured as nodes for one another. The offices are NY, NJ, TPA, ORL and SF, with SF being the new one. NY can call via internal extension the NJ, TPA and ORL offices without issue (this was always the case). SF can also call those three offices without issue. However, if NY calls SF or if SF calls NY we get no audio. (the IC pickup works but no sound)
I added the SF public ip to the same firewall group and rules on the NY side as all the other systems, but no luck. I tried various other firewall modifications as well. The SF side is set up on the DMZ with no NAT, and as noted, seems to work fine with the others offices,
I'm not sure what to try next. Our technician wants to try putting the NY Mitel on the DMZ as well since it seems like it is a NY firewall issue in his opinion (it's currently port forwarding/NAT), but not being a phone guy, I'm worried about messing up the working connections.
Any other suggestions to try? Thanks.