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hi everyone Hope someone can point me in the right direction.I have a user 9215 whose phone forwards all calls automatically to user 9218 from 3pm everyday. I need to change the forwarding destination. Any idea how I can track down where this is setup?Many thanks for looking
Thanks acejavelin, I have been in YSE and not seen anything. I will have a dig in Micollab and Nupoint now.
Business SchedulesDescriptionThis feature allows you to create up to 100 weekly Business Schedules, which you can then assign to individual directory numbers (DN) listed in the Call Rerouting form. The system uses the time of day and the assigned business schedule (not the system's Day/Night Service schedule) to determine which of the three possible Call Rerouting Always Alternatives should be applied to the particular destination DN. If you do not assign a business schedule to a DN, then the Reroute Always alternate follows the system's Day/Night Service schedule.