Author Topic: International Calls  (Read 5020 times)

Offline FirstSource

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International Calls
« on: July 20, 2017, 04:30:53 PM »
I have a user attempting to make an international call, but the handset only recognizes the first 10 digits. How do I modify or allow the user to make an international?
Inter-tel 5000 with 8662 phone model

Offline b_hackbarth

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Re: International Calls
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2017, 04:37:41 PM »
What is the Outgoing Extension of the phone?   Devices and Feature Codes, Phones, [phone],  Associated Destinations?

If ARS,  (green jewel)  you'll need to check facility and route groups to make sure the international pattern is there.  If it's missing I can get you the dial pattern.

If a regular trunk group, are you certain they are dialing 8 011 ?

Offline dwayneg

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Re: International Calls
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2017, 05:52:46 PM »
Also, does the carrier allow International?  Many people say NO when they first order their lines because they never think they'll need it.
Easy test: instead of dialing 8 or OUTGOING, direct connect to trunk group by dialing TG number (92001?) and dial the international call (011 etc.).  If the PBX is blocking the call you should get an error on the display telling you why. If the call works you'll need to find the error in ARS or just have them use this method for international.  Note: this does assume that you don't have ARS ONLY flag turned on in CLASSES OF SERVICE.

Offline FirstSource

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Re: International Calls
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2017, 08:49:07 AM »
What is the Outgoing Extension of the phone?   Devices and Feature Codes, Phones, [phone],  Associated Destinations?

If ARS,  (green jewel)  you'll need to check facility and route groups to make sure the international pattern is there.  If it's missing I can get you the dial pattern.

If a regular trunk group, are you certain they are dialing 8 011 ?

I dont even know what 8 011 does. When I dial it on my phone it does nothing.

Offline FirstSource

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Re: International Calls
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2017, 08:54:57 AM »
Also, does the carrier allow International?  Many people say NO when they first order their lines because they never think they'll need it.
Easy test: instead of dialing 8 or OUTGOING, direct connect to trunk group by dialing TG number (92001?) and dial the international call (011 etc.).  If the PBX is blocking the call you should get an error on the display telling you why. If the call works you'll need to find the error in ARS or just have them use this method for international.  Note: this does assume that you don't have ARS ONLY flag turned on in CLASSES OF SERVICE.

I will contact my carrier to see if international calling is enabled. as far as dialing 8 for outgoing, we don't have anything like that set (that I know of). I inherited an already setup system and I know very little about managing it. if I dial 92001 from my phone I get a dial tone. I will see what happens when the user dials this and see if that works.I dont know what ARS is. I go into Class of service I can see that I have

8 Denied Numbers
9 Allowed Numbers

I have no idea what this means

Offline dwayneg

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Re: International Calls
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2017, 10:20:50 AM »
DENIED NUMBERS is a list of numbers you can't call, typically 900 numbers.
ALLOWED NUMBERS is a list of numbers users can call even if they normally can't call long distance, such as 800, 888, 877 etc.
ARS is automatic route selection: the system looks at the number dialed and decides how to send it...trunks to use, digits to add, delete or echo.

If you're not using an OUTGOING button on phones, 8 is the feature code usually used to place an outside call (people used to use 9 for this).  Depending how your system is programmed it might pick ARS or might pick a trunk group.  You can see what this does by looking at SYSTEM/DEVICES/PHONES/XXX/ASSOCIATED EXTENSIONS/ should see either 92000 (ARS) or a trunk group number.

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Re: International Calls
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2017, 11:04:54 AM »

Well let's start at the beginning shall we.

Go to System > Device and Feature Codes > Feature Codes: Look for both of the following

Outgoing Calls [Default: 8 US, 9 Everywhere else]
Automatic Route Selection: [Default: 92000]

Then go to System > Devices and Feature Codes > Phones > {Local} > {Extension} > Associated Extensions:

The Local will only show up if you have a networked system so if it isn't there don't worry.

Look for Outgoing Extension. If this is set to anything other than the extension for Automatic Route Selection then it is set to go to a specific Trunk Group as specified in the Value column. This also means that if you dial the Feature Code for Outgoing Calls this is the what is used to make that call for that particular phone; not all phones use the same Outgoing Extension.

So, if it is set for Automatic Route Selection then there is more to look at, and if it isn't then you just need to look at your Trunk Group and Class of Service.

Then go to System > Devices and Feature Codes > Phones > {Local} > {Extension} > Class of Service > Day

See what is listed under there for that phone. If you see 5-Deny International then International Calls will be denied. This is not the case as you are able to dial 10 digits first; this would fail before that.

Then go to System > Device and Feature Codes > Trunk Groups > {Extension Listed under Outgoing Extension} > Toll Restriction > Classes of Service > Day:

This assumes that you either have Digital or Analog Trunks. If you have SIP Trunks then you will need to go someplace different.

Verify that 5-Deny International is not set here.

My assumption is that you are using ARS [Automatic Route Selection] and that your Numbering Plan is not setup correctly.

Go to System > Numbering Plan > Area Flags:

It should be setup, in the US, like the following.
Office Codes Used as Area Codes: Yes
Area Codes Used as Offfice Codes: Yes
Local 7/10 Digit Dialing: Yes
Toll Digit Allowed on Toll Local Calls: No
Toll Digit Required on Toll Long Distance: No

If it is then on to the next step.

Go to System > Numbering Plan > Facility Groups > P1504 [Internat'l-Station] and P1505 [Internat'l-Operator] > Trunk Groups/Nodes

Verify that your Trunk Group is listed in each one.

Go to System > Number Plan > Route Groups > P1014 [Internat'l-Station] and P1015 [Internat'l-Operator] > Dial Pattern

Operator: [Q]01+

The Q just means it will allow for any Equal Access Pick Codes to be inserted prior to the 011 or 01 followed by as many digits as dialed.

Let us know what you find!!




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