Mitel Software Applications / Re: MBG Teleworker License consumption/use
« on: November 11, 2024, 08:19:32 AM »MiVoice Border Gateway (with MiVB)sip consumes TW license(s) when in a call (plural, since a sip call can host multiple media streams, audio and video, for example)... minet consumes a license when the set connects.
I am playing with 1 MiNET set and a couple of SIP sets in my lab at home and connect over internet to the WAN (public IP) interface of the MBG at our office.
Observed Behavior (via MBG Dashboard):
a MiNET set: Consumes 1 TW license when connected via WAN.
a SIP set: Does not consume TW licenses when connected via WAN, even though they are registered and functional. - As I understand, this should also consume a TW license as long as I connect from external.
License Persistence: After removing all devices/sets under Teleworker tab, the license count remains at 1 until the MBG service is restarted.
Is there a console command or tool to monitor real-time license usage or device connections in the MBG?
We've read that excess TW users/sets can be created, but connections are limited by the actual license count. Is this correct?
Known Issues: Has anyone else experienced similar discrepancies between device connections and license consumption? How did you resolve it?
The reason why we don't consume licenses for minet in a call as it is a stimulus set and MBG cannot reject a call (at least in any way that would make sense to the user). Sip, however, is a different model (essentially it's a peer call control itself) and we can reject a call due to "no licenses" or "out of bandwidth"... etc
and, mbg can send a display "message" to a minet set telling the user that they are out of licenses and to "contact admin".. not possible with sip and simply rejecting a registration just generates support calls.
Also, mbg does "give" you 10% extra licenses to deal with various "glare" conditions.
license count should revert back when sets are disconnected.. if not, and you're sure, raise a trouble ticket.
as for monitoring.. easiest thing is to ssh into mbg and use "tugtail" to watch the live logs. If all you want is license counts.
tugtail | grep " Stats@ Local"
will show something like:
[root@mbg-70 ~]# tugtail | grep " Stats@ Local"
2024-11-11 08:17:44.920-0500 Stats@ Local : 0/100 0/10000 0/100 1/5000
2024-11-11 08:17:46.123-0500 Stats@ Local : 0/100 0/10000 0/100 1/5000
the LAST column is the TW license count for this node of a cluster (if you are clustered) and the total licenses allowed.