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Messages - ka1axy

Pages: [1]
SIP On Mitel / Re: 5330 Handsets and SIP configuration
« on: August 05, 2024, 04:11:38 PM »
It certainly appears to be :-)

Many thanks!

SIP On Mitel / Re: 5330 Handsets and SIP configuration
« on: July 28, 2024, 08:30:09 PM »
Can anyone supply me with a copy of the "Mitel SIP Cfg Guide.xls" file, which lists values and format of the .cfg file?

Have a couple of 5330 working just fine on Asterisk, but desire to customise buttons.


Have a couple of 5330 phones off Goodwill with FW and working well in SIP mode. Can access HTTP config page, and have them hooked up to my FreePBX system. I understand these phones are old and unsupported, but I'd love to do something with all the buttons.

The phone's "Settings" page shows only "Text Size" and "About this 5330 IP phone" buttons. Other users have indicated that there should be much more here.
I believe this is related to a missing ".cfg" file which sets the default menu actions. That being said, I did find this page
which helped me to create a MT_[MAC address].cfg file which the phone did retrieve from my TFTP server and which did set some additional key functions, but the page references a "DK115611_16.xls" document that is supposed to have "all the information" about button number to physical location mapping. Googling that document gets me a bunch of dead links...anyone have a copy?

What I would love to get is a document that defines the ALL parameters used in the MT_[MAC address].cfg file, particularly the "Fea" numbers and how to create this file from scratch (there may be some kind of program that does this?). It looks like this file is quite powerful in configuring the phone, but there seems to be almost no information available on how to create it.

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