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Messages - ScottL

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How do tell if a number is a POTS line or coming in over PRI? Is there a list in the Mitel 3300, somewhere? I looked in the Speed Calls form and see a number associated with the extension, but how do I know if the number comes through the copper lines or the PRI?

Thank you,


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: New phone not installing
« on: March 11, 2019, 10:55:20 AM »
It's a 5330 IP, I bought it used.

The MCD is Active software load:


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / New phone not installing
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:19:23 PM »
I have a new phone I am setting up on a new extension. I tried using the Send using Hold key option, it didn't do anything.

I entered the MAC into the extension, rebooted, the phone first had a fatal exception, then it displayed the following:
Waiting for LLDP
Waiting for DHCP
Vlan 2
DHCP Discovery
Using Option 125
Contacting server

Final screen: IP address of the MCD, but nothing else. I did a factory reset, same thing. I tried another phone, same result.

Any ideas on repairing it?

Thank you,


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Ring Group vs Hunt Group
« on: February 25, 2019, 01:05:21 PM »
You could also just put line appearances on each others phone for the extensions - or give them DSS keys and they can answer the other ringing station, or give them the call pickup code. Or program a ring group and make both phones a members and point both DIDs at it - this wouldn't work for internal calls though unless they called the pilot of the ring group.

What is a line appearance, and how do I program that into the two extensions?

Thank you,


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Ring Group vs Hunt Group
« on: February 25, 2019, 10:30:11 AM »
Both are Mitel 5330 IP phones, would that make a difference?

Thank you,


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Ring Group vs Hunt Group
« on: February 22, 2019, 03:54:07 PM »
I have some end users with two desks in the same office. Both desks used to be occupied at the same time, that is, two people on shift. Due to restructuring, only one officer is on shift now. They could use either desk, depending on who is on shift.

So, someone might call extension 2010 when extension 2011 is occupied, or the other way around. The officers usually wait until the caller realizes no one is answering, the caller hangs up and tries the other extension.

Each number has its own DID. The officers know the voicemail password for both phones. (Both voicemails are set up to email an officer email group, so even if they miss the voicemail signal on the phone, they get the email with attached audio file.)

The officers have asked if I can set it up so both phones ring, and whoever is at a desk can pick up the call, no matter which desk is occupied.
Would a ring group be the best solution here? Do I need to program anything onto the keys?

If so, do I pick an unused number for the Ring Group? I'm looking at the Ring Group form, # 2605 is unused.

(Edit: Or is there another method to accomplish this?)

Thank you for your help,


OK, that confirms it. I've printed up instructions for the end users.

Thank you,


Rather than have users program contacts into their 6920 phones using the phone itself, can I load them in from the MCD, like I do with Keys?

Thank you,


Hi Mark, no, I made sure I'd set it to 5330e.

I took my 5330 phone and reprogrammed it for use as the replacement, and took the replacement (the 5330e that wouldn't work) and reprogrammed it for me. So everyone is happy, for the moment. However, someday the supply of 5330 phones will dry up.

The two phones work off different switches, so it is switch related, I'm assuming. Out of curiosity I took my 'new' 5330e to the offending extension and tried it, same Option 129 issue.

The original phone had to be replaced because the receiver hook switch got weak. When someone got a call and picked up, the receiver hook switch wouldn't pop up enough to make the connection. Irritating that a small part junks out a phone. Anyone ever figured out how to replace the spring in that assembly?


I need to replace a phone at an extension. The old one was a 5330, the new is a 5330e. I entered the MAC into the proper extension in the MCD. When I plug in the phone, I get a message on the phone:

DHCP timed out
Option 129 is missing

After that, I get an error message

Contacting RCS
RCS error

I took the phone back to my office, it booted, updated firmware, and connected normally. I took it back to the extension, same issue.

The old phone worked. Other phones on the same switch work. As far as I know, nothing has changed on the switch.

While the phone was in my office I tried to put it in Teleworker mode. It gets stuck at Contacting Server.

I have tried two different new phones. I did a factory reset on both of them. I checked to make sure the Device Type is set to 5330e.
Nothing works.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


Thank you, acejavelin!

If I pressed 1, do I get a confirmation message, asking if I really want to complete the action?


I tried all three logins, all three had the same message: "Delete this installation and begin a new one".


The building administrator wants access to the 9999 login, so she can change the main phone line recorded message (in case of snow days, unexpected closings, etc.) I'm afraid she will log in and wipe out what we have set up. Is it possible to set up a limited role, so she can just add a temporary greeting?

Thank you,


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Add a fax line to an ASU
« on: October 25, 2018, 01:43:25 PM »
Is there a step by step solution to adding a new fax line to an ASU II? I've brought the wiring into the server closet.
I've picked an unused extension to use for the analog extension.
I see where other analog lines have been punched down to a 110 block.
I can go into the MCD > Analog Sets and see where lines are programmed in.
I can see that the circuit IDs end at Cabinet 3, Shelf 1, Slot 1, Circuit 6. So I'd assume I'd add in an extension Cabinet 3, Shelf 1, Slot 1, Circuit 7.

Where would I put that on the block? (see attached photo)
Would I use Circuit 7?
Why is there a pair of wires on the right? (See circled area.) I would think the list of lines would have a gap.

Any help so I can set up this fax line is appreciated, thank you.


In reading over the posts, I see that I can limit which phone extensions can call the Pod phone. How do I do that? Managing the PBX isn't my main duty. so I don't know what tenanting is.

Thank you,


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