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your edited message got shortened, but going by the original (in my email notification), running any VoIP application over corporate VPNs is generally a bad idea and often has issues. Corp VPNs are usually more than "just" a VPN, they are often firewalls as well as address translation (NAT) and many don't allow full routing to work properly.
Mitel Software Applications / VoIP Softphone Issues Over VPN (MiCollab)
« Last post by itian on Today at 12:33:52 PM »
VoIP Softphone Issues Over VPN (MiCollab)

Hi everyone,

@dilkie is 100% spot on here...

I would also like to mention if you are doing this for "security", don't bother... it's a waste of time if you maintain updates and proper config in your MBG... the Teleworker gateway will be more secure than your firewall in 99.9% of cases.

I have done a lot of these... many "network" people have tried to set it up like you want to do, and it is absolutely a supported setup that is well documented, but I find a lot of setups have weird issues and when we switch to the two NIC's in a WAN edge deployment, all the problems disappear.

The change is easy... ssh or console to the VM, run the configurator and change the IP on the NIC into the DMZ and then reboot and login to it and change the deployment mode in the MBG setup... There really isn't anything else to do, you don't have to delete the second NIC if you don't want to but I would do it to make things clean.
Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Help with two MBGS on MIVB
« Last post by johnp on Today at 11:30:21 AM »
I usually set up the recording server as another icp, then set the teleworkers icp to the src. In the src add them and send them to MiVB
it'll only work properly if the MBG's WAN interface is located in the DMZ of the f/w. A proper, 3 port, DMZ... In that situation, you can exist as a "proper" DMZ only, single network interface, or if the company allows BMG to also have it configured with 2 interfaces, the lan interface and be located on the internal lan network.. in that case, you must use "custom" mode in the networking to properly configure everything to work correctly.

any, of course, your f/w must be configured correctly, see eng guidelines, AND you MUST have a dedicated public ip address that the f/w will forward only to MBG in the DMZ. The requirement for a unique/non-shared public ip address does not go away.
Hi all. I've got to move a Mitel Border Gateway running on MSL 11 from a WAN edge deployment (2 NICs - first on internal LAN and second with a WAN IP on it) to go via a FortiGate firewall behind NAT. I'm happy with the FortiGate config, but could do with some pointers on getting the VM reconfigured if anyone knows?
Hi All,

I have multiple call queues built on the same "Site" and need to segregate the case and history, in Ignite, from each queue for the agent supervisors. I still need to maintain the supervisor's ability to access CCM. Seems the "Advanced" license is the key. So all queues in cases and history w/ reporting in CCM or only your calls in cases and history w/o access to reporting n CCM. Anyone have any ideas?


The reason you won't find anything like that is because Mitel expects you to use the System Administration and Diagnostics program to schedule backups.

There are optional files that are looked at that you won't find in the below 'code' that have not been setup for Site B.


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Automate backups via command line?
« Last post by jjc8008 on Yesterday at 09:54:24 AM »
I noticed there was a task scheduled to run weekly which backs up one of our locations (let's call it "Site A"), but not the other ("Site B"). The command for it is:

Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mitel\5000\CS5000SessMngr.exe" /service=save /session="Site A" /displayname="Site A"

Ok great, I'll copy that, throw it in a script, and do the same for Site B, so the script looks like this:

Code: [Select]
<create destination folders elsewhere>

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mitel\5000\CS5000SessMngr.exe" /service=save /session="Site A" /displayname="Site A"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mitel\5000\CS5000SessMngr.exe" /service=save /session="Site B" /displayname="Site B"

<move the .m5k files to destination folders>

Before I explain the problem, let me note that when I do full backups manually (via GUI), each location is roughly 30 MB.

So anyway I run the script, everything goes fine, Site A gets created/saved, and is ~30 MB, but Site B is only ~1 MB, which is indicative of database backup with no voice... despite the command being identical to Site A and Site A seemingly being a full backup?

As per usual I can find absolutely nothing of this command and its optional flags on the internet. Anyone have any experience with this?

we are Installing first time MIVB image version 9.4 sp 1 on EX controller using The deployment tool version is

we got error ( refer image attachment )

please suggest on this to proceed
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