Author Topic: Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000  (Read 5403 times)

Offline jjordon

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Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:40:03 AM »
I am pulling my hair out over this!

I have been trying to get one of these to register to a Mitel 5000 (ver and no matter what I do, it just won't register!!!

I have verified the presence of an available F license.

I downloaded SIP CoE 11-4940-00158 (the guide for configuring the Mitel 5000 for use with the Polycom SoundStation IP7000) and followed it to the letter.  No matter what I do, it doesn't register.

If anyone can point me to what I am missing, I would be grateful

(the kicker is that I have gotten these to work before...I just can't see what I am missing!!!

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Re: Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 01:02:55 PM »

Not sure about the document as I never installed one before, but SIP is pretty straight forward. The only things you should worry about for registering is the username is the extension and the password is the password of the extension. Then you just need to make sure that the Call Configuration is set for the right codecs so they can negotiate properly. Have you tried to look at the logs for any SIP issues, try Wireshark to capture them and it should be obvious where the breakdown is.



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Re: Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2014, 02:51:17 PM »
I have installed one, but it was connecting over a LAN.

Since I started this thread,  I took our Demo system and got the IP7000 to register to it over the LAN (no problem()

After that, I put the Mitel 5000 directly on an outside IP (like our customer...I didn't install this one), and got it to register.  However, I  had audio issues.

So I created a different WAN and LAN with it registered (no problem).

From what I can tell, the problem comes from when you try to get SIP to register over the WAN with the 5000.

The problem I am running into now, is that the other Mitel IP phones are not getting audio (and I have forwarded the list I have for port forwarding).  I will start another thread for that one.

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Re: Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2014, 08:01:21 PM »

I am not sure, but I suspect you have a PEC (Processor Expansion Card) on that system. If you do and you haven't provided it with its own Public IP address then you will have audio issues.

As for registering you need to make sure that port 5060 is open up for the system, both cards if you have them, as this is the only port it uses to register with. What I have run into is that some SIP aware devices in the network like to change the messages, especially if there is a SIP and SDP mismatch, which the 5000 loves to do. Also if you have a PS-1 them SIP devices register to them instead of the Base Processor like the IP Phones do; that is a catch-22 most forget about.



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Re: Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2014, 08:14:44 AM »
I thank you for your responses as I would like to get it working without adding a router.  I hope you will continue to be patient with me as when I took the course in 2012, we did not touch on NAT or 3rd party SIP devices very much.


I am not sure, but I suspect you have a PEC (Processor Expansion Card) on that system. If you do and you haven't provided it with its own Public IP address then you will have audio issues.

I don't believe there is one, just the base unit (wouldn't I see it in System>controller?)

As for registering you need to make sure that port 5060 is open up for the system, both cards if you have them, as this is the only port it uses to register with. What I have run into is that some SIP aware devices in the network like to change the messages, especially if there is a SIP and SDP mismatch, which the 5000 loves to do. Also if you have a PS-1 them SIP devices register to them instead of the Base Processor like the IP Phones do; that is a catch-22 most forget about.

The system itself is sitting directly on the Cable Modem, so nothing should be blocked (they have a 5-pack of static IPs, so Charter configures it in IP-passthrough, ergo, no firewall). Also, they use exclusively IP phones and all those work. The system itself has an outside IP address.  When I point the polycom to it, and look in Help>About Mitel Software License, I don't see the F license in use, nor does it show in System>Devices and Feature Codes>SIP Peers>P9001(its group)>Configuration>Registrations (unlike when I register it via LAN.) 

I hate to ask, but I don't remember hearing about a PS-1 or SDP...
If you know of a setting I'm missing and where it might be, please let me know. And thanks again for your responses...

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Re: Polycom IP7000 to Mitel 5000
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2014, 10:12:09 AM »

Yes, you should see it in the system, if you have an expansion card in IP Settings then you know it is there; otherwise you do not have one and therefore would not have a PS-1 [Processor Server].

As for SDP [Session Description Protocol] it is another protocol, a helper protocol, for SIP [Session Initiated Protocol] and you will see that when you do a Wireshark Capture; which is the next step in your troubleshooting. My guess is that you are not getting the SIP packets sent to the 5000 or they are being modified by something or there is a SIP/SDP Mismatch going on.

Hopefully you know how to use Wireshark, if not there used to be a small video course you could watch on the Mitel Training Site, they called them workshops.




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