Author Topic: Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider  (Read 3283 times)

Offline MHillenkamp

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Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:55:54 PM »
We have had a Mitel 5000 phone system (on a T1) and Mitel internet (on another T1) for 5+ years, and recently upgraded to Fiber through a new carrier. The new carrier came in and turned on our internet, but when they did that we lost communication with our phone system: we can no longer log into the session manager ("No Route To Host"), and our Call -Dialer no longer works - however the phones DO work fine.  I need to figure out how to re-connect our phone system to (or through) our new internet router. I am not an IT tech nor a phone tech (or any sort of tech), however I have been given the task of fixing this problem. Thank you!

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Re: Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2014, 05:30:33 PM »
I am not sure I understand your question or how to help you with the information you provided...

The phones work but nothing else does? Are they digital or IP phones, if digital that would make perfect sense, they don't care what the IP address of the phone system is. Is the 5000 onsite?

Did the internal LAN IP scheme change? New router, different subnets/VLANs, etc?

Sorry, just need a lot more info here, remember that the Mitel in these instances is nothing more than another node on the network, if something changed, then the Mitel will need to get reconfigured.

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Re: Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2014, 07:35:14 PM »

My guess is that your Mitel 5000 had a public IP address assigned to it which is what your database programming software used to connect to it and when you changed your service it also changed your public IP addresses; meaning you no longer use that IP address. As for Mitel Internet I have never heard of that term so I assume your mean the data service you used to get to the Mitel 5000.

If you are on the same site as the Mitel 5000 then all you need to do is go up to the Mitel 5000 and press the circle button on the front display until you see the IP address associated with the private (internal network). Once you have that go back to the software you are using and change the IP address under Manage Connections for that site to the Private IP address.

If you are not on the same site or there is not a route built between your PCs network and the Mitel 5000's network then you would need to get to the Mitel 5000 somehow to change the Public IP address associated with it.

System > Devices and Feature Codes > IP Connections > PXXXX

Most likely the PXXXX is P6000 and the description will be Processor Module. When you open that up you should see something other than and most likely that was the old Public IP address associated with it; change it to the new Public IP address you want to assign to it. Don't forget you will most likely need to create a route in your firewall to do this as well. This is not a great idea, but I have seen it done more than once.

If none of those guesses are correct then as Acejavelin already explained you will need to provide more specific information on where the system resides compared to the PC that is trying to access it and how is your current manage connection set up to get to it.



Offline MHillenkamp

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Re: Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 05:16:51 PM »
Thank you - however I can NOT log into the Session manager any more to make the IP address changes.

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2014, 07:59:01 AM »
Thank you - however I can NOT log into the Session manager any more to make the IP address changes.
Go onsite, plug laptop into same LAN and connect locally to make the change... Unfortunately that setting cannot be changed any other way.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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Re: Mitel 5000, No route to host with new internet provider
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2014, 01:06:17 PM »

You will need to provide more information before we can proceed in a resolution for you.

1. Are you in the same building as the Mitel 5000.
2. What is the IP address your System Administration and Diagnostics Software connects to.
3. What is the IP address attached to the Mitel 5000. <- refer to previous post on how to do that.
4. Is the location where the Mitel 5000 is located the place where the new fiber circuit was added.
5. Do you have access to make changes to your network and/or firewall.
6. Can you get physical access to the Mitel 5000.
7. Do you have a laptop with the System Administration and Diagnostics Software.

Based on your answers to each of these a technician should be able to ask follow up questions to find a solution or provide you with one immediately.




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