Author Topic: called ID on dynamic extension?  (Read 8825 times)

Offline WallIT

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called ID on dynamic extension?
« on: February 25, 2014, 07:55:04 AM »

We have the Dynamic Extension feature available to all users, but few use it. The main gripe is not having the correct caller ID displayed on your mobile phone. It always shows the switchboard number and you have to pick up the call, listen to a system message, then press the * or # key to connect the call.

Is there a way to show the correct caller ID on the mobile phone? and any other tips to make this feature more slick?


Mitel 5000, running 5.0 SP2 PR4

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 08:25:38 AM »

With regards to the caller ID in the UK we cannot do anything about that as the system is in effect dialling the dynamic extension externally so it is a feature on the line that the line providers don't allow.  With regards to call features.  There are going to be new benefits very soon with version 6 SP1 scheduled for March so if possible I would consider holding out until then and if your in SWAS then upgrade.

I am not sure if the notes are out for general availability and don't want to get told off for releasing them early but it is scheduled for March 3rd.

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 08:26:23 AM »
6.0 SP1 is supposed to have actual mid-call features for DEE. I think that comes out sometime in March so not too far off from the whole slick business. As far as caller ID, make sure your carrier allows you outpulse DIDs that you don't own, that you actually have control of caller ID and Propogate Original Caller ID is enabled in CO Trunk Group. And if I recall correctly from training, you can disable the whole *# to activate the call by just removing what's there in User Related Information. Not 100% on the last one, but worth a shot.

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 01:00:17 PM »
Thanks both,

Have enabled 'Propagate original caller ID' in the CO Trunk Group, but this did not help with the Caller ID. Will speak to our carrier, although Chrismitel's comment suggests this is a UK carrier problem so they may not be able to. Is there anything else I can do. Having the correct Caller ID showing is a killer feature in terms of getting users to use this.

Whilst digging around in DEE features, I played with the 'Enable Human-Answer-Supervision' option. The three modes behave like this

Off - call rings on desk phone but stops ringing when mobile starts to ring. Not helpful, as if unanswered a message is left on the mobile, rather than office phone.
On full prompt- quiet, unclear recorded voice telling me to press # key to accept call. Clumsy.
On tone - no prompt at all (if there was a tone it was really quiet or I did not put my ear to the phone quick enough to hear). I then need to know to press # to connect call

None of the above are particularly useful. 'Off' is probably the best setting, but when the call is established to the mobile and it starts ringing, the desk phone stops ringing!

Enable Voice Detection - no idea what this does. Tried enabling it and talking to accept DEE call, but didn't work. Any know what this is supposed to do?

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 02:37:54 PM »

Not sure where you live, but if it is in the United States then most carriers will allow for Non-Native Caller ID and you also need to be in control of Outbound Caller ID. I have written many posts on this forum about those two features.

Outbound Caller ID allows you to be in control of what Caller ID is presented to the Callee as long as it is a number that exists on the T1/PRI.
Non-Native Caller ID is what some carriers refer to as a number that does not belong to your T1/PRI and therefore does not belong to your company. Most Carriers do not like to implement this feature or they have a soft switch or older hardware that can not implement this feature. In most cases if it is really needed you can get them to upgrade the T1/PRI at a cost.

Now you will need Propagate Original Caller ID set up on the both the CO Trunk Group as well as each phones in its flag settings for this to work properly.

As for the Human Answer Supervision it is pretty simple as you figured out and Off is usually the best option for those users that have to get by security measures on their cell phone before it goes to voicemail; most of our customers prefer it to be set to off regardless.

The enable voice detection is only useful if Human Answer Supervision is set to On-Full Prompt or On-Tone as it will wait for a voice before proceeding to the next step. If you have it turned Off then Enable Voice Detection is useless.

Now as for Cell Phone Ringing after Desk Phone stops that may be how your DEE is set up. Go under the user you are looking at and open up the folder that Dynamic Extension Express and it will show you how it is set up. If Deskphone and Mobile are on the same line then both calls should ring at the same time until the ring duration timer is up. Of course that is somewhat of a lie since your deskphone will ring first and then the system will set up a conference call to your mobile so it will take a few seconds before the cell starts ringing. If step 1 only has the desk phone and step 2 is the Mobile then the DEE is working as expected since it will ring the desk phone then stop ringing it and start ringing the cell phone and then most likely there will be a step 3 that sends it to voicemail if it isn't answered by the user.

Hopefully that points you in the right direction.



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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 09:28:32 PM »
Yes, I agree with earlier posts. Turn off 'On Full Prompt'. It is especially difficult to use while driving. Just make sure you set the advance/step timer right in your DEE template so that your cell phone company doesn't snatch the call. I usually recommend between 23 and 28 seconds. Too short and you wont have time to answer your cell phone, OR too long and the call ends up in your cell phone voice mailbox. If the timing is erratic on your trunks (i.e. dialing out for DEE) or your cell phone carrier, you're best to put 'Full Prompt" back on.

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2014, 06:21:50 AM »
Thanks for the further responses.

An update: I checked the flag setting for my phone and noticed 'Propagate Original Caller ID on Transfer' was set to No, which I have now changed to Yes. I tested again, but was still seeing the switchboard number appear on my mobile so will contact our line provider and see what they can do. We are in the UK.

Regarding the other settings, under Users > Me > Dynamic Extension Express, I have the following set

Step1, Step timer = 30 seconds, Dest1 = Desk, Dest2 = Mobile
Step2, Step timer = N/A, Dest1 = Voicemail, Dest2 = [blank]

Under Associated Destinations, I have...

Type = Desk, Dest = 752, Active = Yes, WMI/Pullback = Yes
Type = Mobile, Dest = 07... , Active = Yes, WMI/Pullback = No
Type = Voice Mail, Dest = 2500, Active = Yes, WMI/Pullback = No

What does WMI/Pullback do?

Enable voice Detection didn't work no matter what I set for Human-Answer-Supervision. Despite answering the call on my mobile phone and talking down the phone it still did not connect the call. I still needed to hit the # key to get the call connected.

The behaviour of the DEE answer features is not consistent with that TE suggested would happen. For example, when I set Human-Answer-Supervision to Off, my desk phone stops ring when my mobile starts ringing. The two only ring simultaneously if this option is set to either Full Prompt or Tone. I tested this yesterday and again this morning and can confirm this behaviour.

Is there a flag, or other option I'm missing? Or maybe this is a bug?

Thanks again, really appreciated.

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2014, 07:18:36 AM »
MWI/Pullback is actually two different things being enabled with 1 flag.

MWI = Message Waiting Indications = This is used if a users main extension receives a voicemail or a station message the MWI is propagated to the user's other internal associated destinations, except the 5610 cordless and the softphone.

Pullback = Doing a Handoff Push or Pull from any of the user's other internal associated destinations as long as they are not a voice mail destination, 5610 Cordless or Softphone, or on a node that is pre-5.0.

The voice detection is working as expected as it waits for audio and then prompts you to either press the * key to send it to voicemail or # to answer the call. Unfortunately, if you have Human Answer Supervision turned on it will force you to do one or the other to respond to the call, but you can just hang up on it I guess. Voice Detection is just to allow the system to determine if it starts playing its message when the phone goes off-hook or if something answered the call with audio.

As for your desk phone not ringing after it is sent to your mobile that is an odd behavior that I have not encountered before. Normally, twinning (multiple sets ringing at the same time) works at the same time always not just when you have Human Answer Supervision turned on; that may be a bug in your database or software version.

Does it ring at your phone a few rings before going to the cell phone or does it just ring once maybe twice and then go to the cell phone?
Does your handoff button light up if you answer via your cell phone?
Are you able to pull it back by pressing the Handoff button on your desk phone?

Although you did put down that you had 5.0 SP2 PR4 which I believe is the last version of that software before 5.1, of course I could be wrong on that one as I do not deal with older versions after new ones come out.



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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2014, 08:30:26 AM »
Ok, Thanks very much

Does it ring at your phone a few rings before going to the cell phone or does it just ring once maybe twice and then go to the cell phone?

With Human-Answer-Supervision turned off I can confirm that my desk phone rings twice before it stops and my mobile starts ringing. If I put my mobile into 'airplane mode' and try again the desktop still rings twice before I get my mobile voicemail greeting. 

It appears as if the two rings on the desk phone are a timing setting, as on the calling phone (on a colleauge's desk) it shows 'Call Routing' then after the two rings briefly shows 'Call Ringing' before changing again to 'ISDN 30'. At which point my mobile rings.

If I change to 'On - Full Prompt' the display shows 'Call Routing' then stays on 'Call Ringing'. Meanwhile, both my desk phone and mobile are ringing.

Does your handoff button light up if you answer via your cell phone?
Are you able to pull it back by pressing the Handoff button on your desk phone?

With Human-Answer-Supervision back set to Off, my Handoff light does turns on when I answer my mobile. Whilst testing this I pressed the handoff button and the call successfully transferred to my desk phone. I then pressed handoff again to get the call back on my mobile and it also worked successfully.

So, now I change Human-Answer-Supervision to 'on - full prompt' and same behaviour.

We're getting there!

Voice Detection is just to allow the system to determine if it starts playing its message when the phone goes off-hook or if something answered the call with audio.

Still not sure what Voice Detection is actually supposed to help with. Is it trying to establish the difference between a person and a call hold system (audio)?


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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2014, 10:28:59 AM »

Alright, we are getting somewhere as it is the DEE sending you the call since the Handoff function still works properly with it.

Next I would try answering the phone after it stops ringing the desk phone and starts ringing the cell then pick up your deskphone handset or press the speaker button to see if you get the call. The Call Key 1 light should be lit at this point when the call is ringing in; that is if you are using call keys which is an assumption on my part.

Example of Voice Detection with it turned off:

Call comes in and rings desk phone and cell phone. You pick up your cell phone and the automated voice tells you to press # to accept the call or press * to send it to voicemail all without you saying a word.

Voice Detection turned on:

Call comes in and rings desk phone and cell phone. You pick up your cell phone and do not talk there should be silence at the other end waiting for a voice to answer the line. Once you say hello this is WallIT it will then tell you to press # to answer or * to send it to voicemail. All it is really doing is giving you time to answer the call properly before it starts talking.

In both cases Human Answer Supervision has to be turned on as Voice Detection does not with with it turned off.



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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2014, 11:33:26 AM »

Ok, I just tried that. When the call starts ringing on the mobile, my desk phone goes back to 'idle'. If I pickup the receiver I hear a dial tone and can place calls as normal. All the while, my mobile phone continues to ring until that goes to my mobile voicemail greeting.

To confirm, this only happens when I have Human-Answer-Supervision set to Off. I removed any forwarding paths set for my extension just to be sure and repeated the test, but this made no difference.

Thanks for the clear examples for Voice Detection. I understand know and believe this to be a useful feature as most people are likely to answer the call and put it their ear and say hello, then realise it was a call forwarded from the office phone system and they can choose to answer (#) or forward to voicemail (*).

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2014, 11:45:20 AM »

Wow, I am officially stumped on this one. I looked at the system in Online Monitor Mode and saw nothing that could be causing that issue when you turn off Human Answer Supervision. Also the fact that it goes to your mobile's voicemail instead of your desk phone's means that it truly is kicking the deskphone out of the conference when it is made and acting as though step 2 Voicemail doesn't exist, but you are able to use the handoff button to get it back; odd indeed.

Let me go to Mitel's Knowledge Base and see if they have this issue posted there somewhere. In the meantime try deleting your User Account and recreating it and test again. Make sure that you do not put your outgoing digit on the mobile number as it is placing a conference call and will already be dialing the outgoing digit for you.



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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2014, 11:48:37 AM »
Thanks. Just to confirm, I cannot use the Handoff feature at all when Human-Answer-Supervision is set to Off because my desk phone stops rining and goes to idle after two rings.

Handoff does work when Human-Answer-Supervision is set to on-full prompt or on-tone. Will delete and recreate my user account and try again. Will also try with my colleagues phone and his extension.

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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2014, 12:11:18 PM »

I was going by this answer in your previous post that handoff was working properly.

With Human-Answer-Supervision back set to Off, my Handoff light does turns on when I answer my mobile. Whilst testing this I pressed the handoff button and the call successfully transferred to my desk phone. I then pressed handoff again to get the call back on my mobile and it also worked successfully.

No worries, that makes more sense now at least if your handoff button does not light up then your deskphone is removed from the conference completely and now the behavior is normal; at least that part anyway. The big issue is that it is being removed when you turn Human Answer Supervision Off which should have nothing to do with that portion of the call. If I didn't know any better I would say that you have delayed mobile turned on, but you clearly stated earlier that both were in the same step.

Do you have access to Online Monitor View with your database access password?

View > Online Monitor

If you do turn it on and go to the top layer, (just click on your name) of your User Account and take a picture of what you see on the application side (right hand side).



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Re: called ID on dynamic extension?
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2014, 04:49:35 AM »

Apologies. I probably got confused about what I was writing having spent most of the day turning things on and off and testing endlessly. I have linked and attached a pic from online monitor


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