You can increase the available voice channels, it's a license...PN is 840.0460 for each 4 additional ports. Believe max is 32. These are used while caller is hearing queue messages (not music on hold). If you're playing a message every 60 seconds, for example, and increase the timer to 90 seconds you're going to reduce traffic by 33%. And try my suggestion for setting up a new time slot group. If you assign all the queue messages to a group that only allows 4 ports and leave the voice mail in the default group of 8 that will cause queue messages to just wait if all 4 ports are full, while VM gets access to all 8 ports any time, and 4 ports even if queue is busy. Maybe you can replace some of your queue messages with ordinary Music/Message-on-Hold, which doesn't use ports at all. Remember that you can use File-Based MOH to deliver specialized messages for different groups (up to 5 messages), so if you're playing a lot of queue messages this might be a cost-effective solution.
One more thing: I've seen installs where even though customer had more than 4 ports, tech forgot to increase size of default Time Slot Group to matching number, limiting available ports (8 ports available but only 4 can be used).